Privacy Policy


Please note: The laws and regulations in different countries impose different (and even conflicting) requirements on the Internet and data protection. All matters relating to this site are governed by the laws of the State of Texas in the United States of America.


The web site you have entered is operated by or on behalf of Gateway to Hope/ The Hope and Healing Center.  The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center is committed to protecting your personal privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information that are collected by Gateway to Hope /The Hope and Healing Center on its web site, and how we use and protect it. This Policy also explains the choices that you can make about the way your information is collected and used. This Policy applies only to Gateway to Hope /The Hope and Healing Center web site, and it does not apply to banners and other advertisements or promotions that we may sponsor or participate in on web sites owned by third parties.


By using our web sites, you signify that you agree with the terms of our current Privacy Policy as posted on our sites as well as the terms of our Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any term in this Policy or our Terms and Conditions, please do not use this site or provide any Personal Information to us.


As used in this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” means any information that is linked to your identity such as your name, street address, telephone number, screen name, age and/or email address. For information pertaining to Personal Information collected from children, click here.

The site you entered may collect some or all of these types of Personal Information through a product order, sweepstakes, contest, game, survey, questionnaire or promotion, or a registration form. Some of our web sites may require registration in order for you to participate in sweepstakes, games or other activities. The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center will not collect any Personal Information from your visits to our sites unless you provide your Personal Information to us voluntarily. We also do not collect financial or other sensitive data information about our users.

When you provide us with Personal Information, you are authorizing us to use that information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, which includes your right to limit our use of your Personal Information as described in this Policy.

The web site you entered may also collect Personal Information from you about a third party (e.g., the site might allow you to send an email or message to a friend, in which case we will need that person’s name and email address). Please note that we use such information only for the specified purpose (e.g., to deliver the email message) and we will not contact the third party again by email unless and until the third party contacts us.


When you supply Personal Information at Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center web site, we will use it for the purpose for which it was collected (e.g., to sign up for the email newsletter, contact us to volunteer, or to fulfill the delivery of a product order) in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. We may also use it to contact you regarding Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center’s products or promotions as well as other products and services, which may be requested by or otherwise of interest to you (including those we may offer jointly with other companies). At any time, however, you may opt out of such future contact by unsubscribing from our database. We also use Personal Information to keep track of a user’s activities on our sites, to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to statistically analyze web site usage, to improve our web site features, design and content and to refine our marketing strategies.

The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center may also enhance your Personal Information by linking it to data obtained from third parties, such as non-personally identifiable information (e.g., demographic and geographic characteristics) as well as other publicly available data such as census information. Such enhanced information allows us to provide our users with a more customized experience.

The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center’s primary goal in collecting and using Personal Information is to give you a meaningful and customized experience while you are using our web sites as well as to promote our charity in a cost effective and efficient manner.


You may have heard of “cookies,” which are small files or pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive when you visit a web site. The use of cookies is an industry standard and you will find them at most web sites. The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center may use cookies to collect other information during your visit to our web sites, such as the particular site areas you visit and the activities in which you participate at our web sites. The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center does not automatically collect any Personal Information, but we may combine non-personal information collected automatically (through cookies) with voluntarily submitted Personal Information. Such link may occur only if you provide The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center with Personal Information on our sites. This practice allows Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center to keep track of items such as email interaction levels, survey responses, and other web activity in order to better tailor our web site to your interests and needs. Cookies may also be used to help speed up your future activities at our web sites—the computer can remember that you have already provided Personal Information to us and not request that you provide it a second time.

Anonymous information about your computer, such as your IP address (a number assigned to your computer whenever you surf the Internet), the type of Internet browser you are using, and the type of computer operating system you are using may also be collected by us using cookies. Web servers, the computers that “serve up” web pages, automatically identify your computer by its IP address. When you request a page from this web site, our servers log your IP address.

Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you’d prefer, you can set yours to refuse cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent. Refusal of cookies at the site you entered may result in an inability to visit certain areas of the web sites or to receive personalized information when you visit the web sites.


In the course of doing business, we employ other companies to perform a variety of functions on our behalf. For example, at times we may retain third parties to analyze, update and correct data we collect on our web sites, including Personal Information, to help us improve our database and our web site. In addition, we may share Personal Information with agents, suppliers, fulfillment houses and other third parties to allow delivery of products, information, prizes or services. These suppliers and other third parties may have access to your Personal Information if it is needed to perform their functions for Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center, but they are not authorized by us to use your Personal Information in any way other than the intended use.

We also may share aggregate, non-personally identifiable information about our users with advertisers, business partners, sponsors, and other third parties. For example, we may tell a business partner the number of men and the number of women that entered a contest, but we do not disclose Personal Information about such contestants in violation of this Privacy Policy.

Except as stated in this Privacy Policy, we do not sell, transfer or disclose your Personal Information without your prior consent.
We may release your Personal Information if required to do so by law, or by search warrant, subpoena or court order, or to a third party to which ownership of The Hope and Healing Center is transferred via an acquisition, merger, sale of assets or otherwise.


You are ultimately in control of the Personal Information that we collect and use. We want to keep your data complete, up to date and accurate. The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center provides its users with the following options to manage their Personal Information that is in reasonably retrievable form in our database:

4 Send us an email: Go to the Contact Us page of the web site and send us an email. Be sure to include your name, address, email address and clear instructions regarding any change to your Personal Information or if you would like us to unsubscribe you from our database.
4 Call us at (281) 219-3313 and provide clear instructions regarding any change to your Personal Information or let us know if you would like us to unsubscribe you from our database.

In the event that a user unsubscribes from our database, we will retain a record of the Personal Information and the unsubscribe action for our internal records as evidence of the action and our compliance with this Privacy Policy.


We take reasonable precautions to keep your Personal Information secure. All access to the information we collect is subject to physical, electronic and managerial restrictions to prevent unauthorized access, modification or misuse. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online, and you do so at your own risk.


The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center and the web site have no intention of collecting any personal information from any individuals under the age of 13 and we will not knowingly permit ordering or any communication from a child who is under the age of 13.


If you are 18 years of age or younger, please be sure to ask your parents for permission before providing any information to us.

In communicating directly with minors over the Internet, we recognize the unique issues raised regarding the protection of your kids’ privacy. The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU), a section of The Better Business Bureau, has issued guidelines for web sites gathering information from minors. The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center intends to comply with the CARU guidelines in order to protect your kids and their privacy.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy
The Hope and Healing Center reserves the right to change or remove this Privacy Policy at our discretion. We will post any changes to this Policy or any new policy here and we encourage you to visit this area frequently to stay informed. If there is any material change in the type of information we collect or way in which we use such information, then we will obtain your permission before we make any such change.


Users should be aware that when you are on this web site you could be directed to other sites that are beyond The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center’s control. There may be links to other web sites that include links from advertisers, sponsors, and partners that may use the The Gateway to Hope /Hope and Healing Center brand or logo. These other web sites may send their own cookies to users, or otherwise collect data or solicit Personal Information. Check the linked site to locate and review its privacy policy, which may be different from this Privacy Policy. The Hope and Healing Center does not endorse and makes no guarantee or representation as to the sufficiency, accuracy or completeness of the content or privacy policy of any third-party web site to which you may be linked from this site


Should you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the collection of information, please call us at (346) 335-8700.